
Registry keeper
BC Motors Oy

BC Motors Oy keeps a customer- and order information registry, which contains the following information:

  • First and last names, company name and a vat-id.
  • Address details.
  • Telephone number and email.
  • The ordered items, car information and any other additional details.
  • Sent and received emails.

Usage of information
The main purpose of the registry is to allow order handling, payments, shipments as well as provide statistical sales information and confirming fitment.
Registry entries are not given to third parties, with the exception of

  • A government official investigating illegal actions.
  • The customers selected payment and/or shipping company.
  • Email sending software.
  • Or an other entity, enforced by law.

The registry is kept on a server which is accessible only by our staff. Connections are SSL-secured and password-protected.

The customer has the right to ask what information is stored, and update them if he sees fit. The registry entries are kept according to our duty to keep accounts, order history and -statistics, and email marketing unless the customer explicitly forbids it.

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